today i tried to setup a new ESXi on a system, where we just use the free version. i wanted to configure the newly available LACP trunk stuff, but i ran into some weird dependencies, which render this feature unuseable for a small company.
1) as far as i found out, LACP can only be configured through the VMWare vSphere Web Client. fine. i thought i'd just download it and then go on. i was surprised the webclient is only available on the vCenter Server ISO, and has 600MB!
2) i tried to install the webclient on a windows 7 x64 client. the 1st thing that showed up, is i need the Single Sign On Server for the web client. fine. or not.
3) i wanted to install the Single Sign On Server, but the setup always crashed with "the installation archive has errors". checking logs and such i found out, that the VMWare tcServer Setup crashes (but hidden) with "only supported on windows 2008". WTF!?
4) well. moved to the only non-DC windows 2008 system we have (it's not supported on DCs, too). after installing SSO and the Web Client i finally found out i'll need a full the vCenter Server to start with the Web Client because otherwise it won't show anything or talk to my ESXi host.
summary: to configure LACP on a single node ESXi, i need to have windows 2008 (dude, they developed a java/tomcat solution to again require windows systems for a hypervisor environment?? ), a full bloated install of 5GB, a SQL Server, tons of services and users and why?
just because new features don't get developed on the standard vSphere Client. is this the right direction? moving to XEN or anything like this is not a big deal, so maybe this goes the wrong direction for small IT companies which just test around...
i posted this because i did not find anyone else talking about this. if i'm completely wrong and i can configure LACP in any other way please let me know!