Hi all,
We are running vCenter Server 5.1U1. Everything is installed, tested and working.
When we ( administrators ) log in, we naturally want to see everything. But we have IT personnel/interns and 3rd party contractors etc. who should not be able to see/do everything from the home screen on the Web Client. We have created roles and privileges on the specific VM's through vCenter, where these technicians are only allowed - start,stop,restart VM, console access and VMtools install. When these technicians log into the WebClient, we would like them to start out on a screen with only the Folders/VM's listed, on which we have set these privileges, and see nothing else. ( right now, they can click around, see past events, logs etc., which should all be hidden from them )
Is there a ( simple ) way to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance, kind regards,
Kay Dieckmann
P.s.: Apologies if what our wish is, is unclear. English is not my native language, and I may have been using the wrong terms/words.